Sunday, April 09, 2006

Daphnomancy # 12

Improvisation # 2
man minimize harm and animals

Q: X and I haven't spoken for years. Is there any chance to heal our relationship?

live in and on and on
hail of Haven, warm

with warning. Thwarting
warmth, warning of war.

worn with lines of wives.
hooks sown, hoofs pulled

among A theater of Laurels.
hollows opposed

as myth and longing.
Lyre through cold nights

among Northern axes.
Landlords aren't Man-hating

Hunters. Worm and
Homilies and Anna's hand: one Un-

lucky Hut wrought of law
and wheat -- a Husband Tower.

Improvisation # 3

Q: My daughter is always crying. What is the problem?

Whales dart amid
march moons implying lines:
an Aunt where gloom layers.

Waning loans haul moons
from Tree to hand to lover.
North of home and half blue.

thanking hot thorns and 9
half-men in snow. An act of
sieves and Shaws aiMing

along Unlucky tongues -- Pupae
BATHed who flew off.
Honed honor an owL

unmoving hover caught
in Cotton; hover
caught over little swords --

new, thin, and blue.
Unwilling LOOMS.


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